Keeping Eight Precepts on Uposatha days

Keeping Eight Precepts on Uposatha days

Bro. Gan giving a sharing on the significance of keeping the Eight Precepts on Uposatha days.

Bro. Gan giving a sharing on the significance of keeping the Eight Precepts on Uposatha days.

On Thursday 7 April, Bro. Gan gave a sharing at the New-moon Uposatha Service on the significance of keeping the Eight Precepts on Uposatha days. He referred to the Visakhuposatha Sutta, a discourse given by the Buddha to Lady Visakha, a generous female lay-disciple.

“Thus indeed, Visakha, is the Uposatha entered upon and undertaken with its eight component practices; it is of great fruit, of great advantage, of great splendour.

Chanting at the New-moon Uposatha Service.

Chanting at the New-moon Uposatha service.

“Kill no life, nor take what is not given; speak no lie, nor be an alcoholic; refrain from sex and unchaste conduct; at night do not eat out-of-time food; neither bear garlands nor indulge with perfume; and make your bed a mat upon the ground: this indeed is called the eight-part Uposatha taught by the Buddha gone to suffering’s end.  Of all the treasures in the world, none is above value compared to these eight Uposatha practices.

“Hence indeed the people who are virtuous enter upon Uposatha observing the eight precepts; and having made merits that bring about happiness, they obtain heavenly birth with their blameless virtue.”

Extract from AN 8.43 Visakhuposatha Sutta: The Discourse to Visakha on the Uposatha; translated from the Pāli by Bhikkhu Khantipalo.]

We thank Bro. Gan for sharing the Buddha’s words with us on the importance of keeping the Eight Precepts on Uposatha days.  Sadhu anumodana.