Sub-committee meetings in full swing

Sub-committee meetings in full swing

Bro. Tan meeting members of one of the Sub-Committees.

Bro. Tan meeting members of one Sub-Committee to discuss Phase 1 of Wisdom Park.

In late March, the 15-member Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) appointed several sub-committees to look into different aspects of project implementation, especially in relation to Phase 1 of construction.  The WPDC has recommended that the starting of physical construction be brought forward by one year (to 2017 instead of 2018), as good progress is being achieved in planning and organizing.

WPDC was formed in October last year and was tasked with drafting the ‘Master Development Plan’ for Wisdom Park.  The Committee has so far met formally nine times (and even more times informally), as well as conducted several surveys at the project site.  The Park’s ‘Master Development Plan’ and the components of Phase 1 development will be presented by the WPDC for Nalanda Board of Management’s consideration in June.

Sub-Committee discussions on the construction of Wisdom Park, Phase 1.

Sub-Committee discussions on the construction of Wisdom Park, Phase 1.

Bro.Tan sharing his thoughts with the Sub-Committee.

Bro.Tan sharing his thoughts on the components to be included in Phase 1 of construction.