Honour the Buddha spiritually

Honour the Buddha spiritually

Volunteers preparing the exhibition hall on Wesak eve.

Volunteers preparing the exhibition hall on Wesak eve.

On Wesak eve, Nalanda founder Bro. H.S. Tan gave a Dhamma talk to usher in the most important Day in the Buddhist calendar – Wesak ‘Buddha Day’.  He explained that we celebrate Wesak to honour the Buddha and commemorate His Enlightenment.

And the meaningful way of honouring the Buddha during Wesak is by learning the Dhamma, and practising the Dhamma which we have learned well.  When we are preparing for Wesak, there is plenty to do.  How can we practice the Dhamma when there is so much activity going on?  We can do so by working calmly, mindfully, harmoniously, patiently, with focus and concentration.   These are Dhamma qualities, and when we work together in this manner, having consideration for others, and reaching out to offer others our help, we are honouring the Buddha spiritually.

Bro. Tan giving a Dhamma talk on honouring the Buddha spiritually during Wesak.

Bro. Tan giving a Dhamma talk on honouring the Buddha spiritually during Wesak.

The Buddha taught that when we honour those who are worthy of honour, the merits gained are immeasurable.

Pujarahe pujayato
buddhe yadi va savake

Te tadise pujayato
nibbute akutobhaye
na sakka punnam sahkhatum
imettamapi kenaci

~ Dhammapada Verses 195 and 196

Verse 195: He pays homage to those who are worthy of veneration, whether they are the Buddhas or their disciples who have been liberated from ignorance and have rid themselves of sorrow and lamentation.

Verse 196: The merit gained by such a person who pays homage to those who have been freed from defilements (proliferation of mind) and have nothing to fear, cannot be measured by anyone, as this much or that much.

Sis. Sujata giving the finishing touches on a decoration for the Buddha Day Heritage procession

Sis. Sujata giving the finishing touches on a decoration for the Buddha Day Heritage procession

So this Wesak, let us honour the Buddha by creating causes and conditions for happiness through proper education and cultivation, so that we may be free from ignorance.  When we are free from ignorance, we are also free from defilements, and we will thrive happily.

We thank Bro. Tan for his insightful talk.  Sadhu anumodana.

Volunteers working together harmoniously to prepare the venue for Wesak Day.

Volunteers working together harmoniously to prepare the venue for Wesak Day.

Nalandians welcoming venerable monks from Sri Lanka who came to celebrate the auspicious occasion with us.

Nalandians welcoming venerable monks from Sri Lanka who came to celebrate the auspicious occasion with us.

Guests who came for the Wesak eve Dhamma talk were greeted with a warm welcome and smiles.

Guests who came for the Wesak eve Dhamma talk were greeted with a warm welcome and smiles.