Offering food joyfully on Buddha Day

Offering food joyfully on Buddha Day

Devotees preparing food for mass food offering on Wesak Day evening.

Families and friends happily come together to prepare food for mass offering on Wesak Day evening.

On Saturday 21 May, a “Mass Food Offering” was held at Nalanda Centre in the evening. This event, where cooked meals are offered freely to the community, has become a regular feature at Nalanda’s Wesak Buddha Day celebrations since the first year of its Wesak celebrations in Sri Serdang. Devotees cook or pack food for visitors who come to join in the joyous day’s celebrations as an act of charity and to cultivate generosity.

Nalandians and volunteers gladly serve food to all and sundry, either individually or in groups with families and friends in tow. The recent mass food offering started at 5.30pm and drew a huge crowd. By 7pm, nearly all the food was gone, and volunteers and helpers were cheerfully cleaning up the dining area and getting ready for the Heritage procession, another unique feature of Nalanda’s Wesak celebrations. It was indeed an opportune time to joyfully immerse ourselves spiritually in meritorious deeds.

Devotees doing the prep work before the mass food offering.

Mr. and Mrs. Yap filling up containers with healthy food before the mass offering.

Our appreciation to all volunteers and devotees who contributed food and services to celebrate with the public on this auspicious day. Sadhu anumodana!

Many visitors came to enjoy the delicious food served at the mass food offering event.

Many visitors came to enjoy the delicious food served at the mass food offering event.

mass food offering

There was plenty to go round due to the generosity of the devotees who brought the food.

mass food offering

Volunteers serving the food mindfully to visitors at the mass food offering.