Developing Mindfulness and Virtue

Developing Mindfulness and Virtue

Ven. Vijaya urged devotees to strengthen their 'Viriya' and keep their 'Sīla' strong.

Ven. Vijaya urged devotees to strengthen their ‘Viriya’ and keep their ‘Sīla’ strong.

On 1 June, we were blessed to have Venerable U Vijaya from Indonesia to lead the weekly meditation at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Ven. Vijaya explained that if we had faith in the Buddha, then we must be ready to walk the path He taught, and practise the Dhamma well.  We must strengthen our Viriya (Right Effort) and keep our Sīla (virtue) strong.

In order to do that effectively, we must have a strong foundation for mindfulness (Sati) and tranquility (Samadhi) for wisdom to arise.  We will then be able to see our defilements and abandon them, like the Buddha and all the Arahants did.  We thank Ven. Vijaya for leading the meditation session and for his insightful Dhamma lesson.  Sadhu anumodana.

Devotees at Nalanda's weekly sitting.

Devotees practising meditation led by Ven. U Vijaya.