2nd Anniversary of MH17

2nd Anniversary of MH17


Let us dedicate merits to the victims of MH17 on the second anniversary of this tragedy.

It has been two years since the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014, while on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.  The great loss of 298 innocent lives from that incident, and 239 lives from the earlier MH370 calamity, had cast a pall over Malaysia ever since.  Our nation is still reeling from the trauma of this double catastrophe.

Today, let us dedicate merits to the casualties of MH17 and their loved ones.  The memorial chanting will be held at Nalanda Centre, beginning 9.00 am.  We wish the victims’ surviving family members much strength, courage and peace in facing this heart-wrenching anniversary.  Our thoughts are with you constantly.