Nalanda youths elect new leaders

Nalanda youths elect new leaders

Nalanda youths on Members' Day.

Nalanda youths gathered for their Members’ Day in late July.

On Sunday 24 July, young Nalandians came together for their Members’ Meeting at the Youth Centre in Sri Serdang.  The purpose of that meeting was to update members on the progress of Nalanda Youth Centre over the past year, and to discuss its future programmes.  Another important agenda was the re-election of office-bearers for the next 12-month term.

At the gathering, Youth Leader Bro. Disheng encouraged all members to enhance individual leadership ability and develop effective communication skills.  He was happy to note that Nalandian youths are able to work seamlessly and harmoniously, resulting in successful programmes and activities in the past.  On behalf of all youths, he also thanked the mentors, teachers, and all benefactors for their continuous support since the inception of Nalanda Youth Centre.

Reviewing past programmes and activities.

Youth members reviewing their programmes and activities over the past one year.

Youth Leader Bro. Disheng.

Youth Leader Bro. Disheng giving his report to members.

Honorary Secretary of Nalanda Buddhist Society Bro. Pee giving his speech.

Honorary Secretary of Nalanda Buddhist Society Bro. Pee sharing his experience in serving the community over the last decade.

Nalanda Buddhist Society’s Honorary Secretary Bro. Pee, and Board of Management member Sis. Santi, represented the Society at the Youth Centre meeting.  Bro. Pee candidly shared his experience in serving the community over the past decade.  He advised the youths to treasure service opportunities that allow them to learn new skills and thereby grow themselves.

Members nominating and voting for the four elected positions.

Members nominating and voting for the four elected positions helming Nalanda Youth Centre.

The election of new office-bearers was thereafter conducted with nomination and voting for each of the four positions available.  The newly-elected officers of Nalanda Youth Centre were thereby produced through ballot; they are:

Youth Leader : Bro. Yeo Disheng

Deputy Youth Leader : Bro. Tai Wei Kit

Youth Secretary : Bro. Yeo LeiKen

Membership Officer : Sis. Juliana Ang

Well done, officers!

Well done, officers! The four newly-elected youth leaders of Nalanda.

Rejoicing start to a new year.

Members rejoicing over a successful past year, and looking forward to an even better one ahead!

We congratulate the Youth officers on their election; may they lead Nalanda Youth Centre to greater heights in the coming term.  Anumodana.