Sweet lingering memories of Dhamma-Living Camp

Sweet lingering memories of Dhamma-Living Camp


At the camp, we connected with one another and with the Dhamma.

Two months ago today, 230 youths gathered at Genting Highlands for our inspiring Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults.  For four days, we listened, meditated, learned, shared our thoughts, sang, played, and bonded with new friends and old.  It was undoubtedly a joyful and fruitful gathering for us!

We would like to share more photographs here to remind all participants of the activities we went through and lessons learned at the camp.  Do remember our highest potential in life is not to earn huge sums of money or hold high positions.  Our true potential as humans is to attain happiness, peace, wisdom and liberation from suffering.  Jai’ho!

Remember the teachings.

Remember Bro. Tan’s progressive teachings every day? From desiring material excitement to finer and higher realisations of our true potentials, that is the path of progress.

Daily chanting and meditation.

Our daily ‘anchors’ — chanting and meditation.

All things mindful.

All things mindful — “Mindfulness is the path to the deathless state”.

Entertaining meals.

Remember how our meals were not just nourishing, but ‘entertaining’ as well?

Out of tangle.

The human tangle — how easy to get into one, and how difficult to get out.

Latest exercise craze.

Perhaps not a viral ‘exercise craze’, but a good workout no doubt!

March march!

March… march… march! The way home we go.

Sweet memories at Genting.

Sweet memories were made learning good lessons with Dhamma friends! Sadhu anumodana everyone.