Mental well-being leads to joyful living

Mental well-being leads to joyful living

Meditation taught by the Buddha is the way to complete well-being.

“Samatha-Vipassana” meditation taught by the Buddha is the way to complete mental and spiritual well-being.

Today is World Mental Health Day. Mental health is defined as “the absence of mental disorders”, which allows a person to function normally and resiliently in routine responsibilities in life.  Examples of mental sickness include prolonged stress, sadness, anger, disturbing obsessive or compulsive behaviour, neurosis, and psychosis.

The increasingly fast-paced lifestyle and the myriad of issues affecting us today have unsurprisingly caused the deterioration of mental health across a large swath of world population. Researchers estimate that a shocking 26%, or one in four people, suffer from some form of mental sickness.

Buddhism offers the way to complete mental health by eradicating defilements.

Bro. Tan said that Buddhism offers the way to complete mental health by eradicating defilements.

In his message yesterday, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan stated that Buddhism offers the way to complete mental health by eradicating defilements.  We can be free from suffering by eliminating its causes – which are greed, aversion and delusion.  In other words, the Buddha had taught us this wonderful path to mental well-being and joyful living twenty-six centuries ago.


Parents can contribute to children’s future well-being and enable them to live a life with correct priorities and values by sharing the Dhamma with them and becoming good role models.

Bro. Tan encouraged parents and teachers to share with their charges about the Noble Eightfold Path and become role models themselves in how to live in accordance to Dhamma. This will greatly contribute to our children’s future well-being and enable them to live a life with correct priorities and values.  Sadhu anumodana.

Nalandians starting Sunday Service with meditation.

Meditation is an essential practice to eradicate all mental impurities including latent ones that cause us much suffering.