Back home to a “hero’s welcome”

Back home to a “hero’s welcome”

The young Nalandians were given a "hero's welcome" at Sri Serdang.

The young Nalandians were given a “hero’s welcome” at Sri Serdang after arriving from Johor.

On 1 December, 20 youths and students from Nalanda Dhamma School left for Johor Bahru to help conduct a Dhamma camp for teenagers there.  They returned joyfully to Sri Serdang on 4 December to a warm, late-night welcome by smiling teachers and parents.

The youths and students returned late on 4 December.

The youths and students returned late on 4 December to a warm welcome at Nalanda Centre.

The trip was a wholesome start to their year-end school holidays as it provided many opportunities for learning and serving.  While in Johor, the young Nalandians attended a Dhamma talk by Ven. Dhammavuddho at NEO Centre J.B.  They also visited Fo Guang Shan’s Sin-Ma Temple (佛光新马寺) and were fortunate to meet with its Abbess Ven. Jue Cheng (觉诚法师), who spontaneously gave them another talk.

Paying respects to the Three Jewels.

Everyone paying respects to the Three Jewels upon returning to their ‘spiritual home’.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan was on hand to welcome the returning students; he praised them for offering invaluable services to help the community during holidays.  He described the young students as Nalandian “heroes” for their strong spirit of charity, humility and selflessness.

Bro. Tan welcoming the students back at Nalanda Centre.

Bro. Tan welcoming the students back at Nalanda Centre.

Bro. Tan also urged young students not to waste time lazying around at home, playing computer games, or just aimlessly hanging out with friends.  Conversely, spending time with their Dhamma friends is important.  Good friendship has to be cultivated through constant communication – spending time with each other, learning and doing wholesome things together.

Bro. Tan advising the youths and teenagers to spend time wisely during the precious holidays.

Bro. Tan advising the youths and teenagers to spend time wisely during the precious holidays.