On Sunday 27 November, 12 committee members of Persatuan Buddhis Universiti Malaysia (PBUM) paid a visit to Nalanda Centre. It was the first visit for the new management committee, who came to explore and learn more about the work done at Nalanda.
Our PBUM friends joined Nalandians for the ‘Samaggi Day’ service, where they had the opportunity to listen to an inspiring Dhamma teaching by Bro. Tan. After receiving food for the mind, everyone settled down for a hearty lunch. Nalandian youths then brought the group on a tour of the Centre.
The PBUM youths were also fortunate to have a special dialogue session with Bro. Tan to consult and discuss with him on the direction of their society. Bro. Tan stated that ‘Campus Buddhism’ is very important, as most people are first exposed to Buddhism when they enter college or university. Therefore, Buddhist societies in local universities should seek to expand and enhance their programmes, helping to enrich the lives of students with Dhamma.
Nalanda Buddhist Society also presented PBUM a donation to assist in their upcoming programmes and activities. The future of Buddhism lies in the hands of younger generation found in today’s campuses. With the backing of established Buddhist societies, the community would be able to grow and serve the needs of people more effectively. We thank PBUM members for their visit and look forward to meeting them again soon.