Notice of 14th Annual General Meeting

Notice of 14th Annual General Meeting

Sis. Buddhini hosting last year’s A.G.M. at Level 4 of Nalanda Centre.

Sis. Buddhini hosting last year’s A.G.M. at Level 4 of Nalanda Centre.

Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia’s Board of Management would like to invite all members registered with Serdang headquarters to attend our 14th Annual General Meeting scheduled for Sunday, 12 March 2017, starting 2.00pm, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.

The A.G.M. will discuss and approve the Board’s annual report of the Society’s work, and the financial reports from the Treasury for the year ended 31 December 2016.  We shall also be deliberating on the Society’s future development plans and proposed amendments to our ‘Rule & Constitution’.

An e-mail notice of the A.G.M. was sent out to all members today (Sunday, 26 February) with the following documents attached for your perusal:

(1)  Notice of 14th A.G.M.

(2)  Minutes of 13th A.G.M. held on 13 March 2016

(3)  Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) held on 16 October 2016

(4)  The Honorary Secretary’s Annual Report

(5)  Proposed amendments to the Society’s Rule & Constitution

Kindly confirm your availability for the A.G.M. by replying to the Secretariat at 03-8938-1500 or emailing to, before Monday, 6 March 2017.  We look forward to your attendance.  Thank you and sukhihontu.

With mettā,
Bro. Pee Che Yong

Honorary Secretary