A day of deep gratitude

A day of deep gratitude

Children paying deep respects to their parents.

Children paying respect to parents in the annual programme organised by Nalanda Dhamma School.

On Sunday 12 February, parents and children gathered for a heart-warming, tea-offering ceremony at NEO Centre, Happy Garden.  The programme was organised by Nalanda Dhamma School in conjunction with the Lunar New Year, to provide an opportunity for Dhamma School students to express gratitude and appreciation to their parents.

To begin the meaningful day, the students were taught the five duties of children to their parents as expounded in the well-known Sigalovada Sutta.  Having heard this teaching, the children understood the right way to revere and honour one’s parents.


After the sharing session, families gathered for the tea-offering ceremony.  There was hardly a dry eye in the room as children bowed reverentially to their parents in a heart-warming expression of respect and appreciation for their love and care.  Parents in return expressed love towards their children through handmade cards, letters and many warm embraces.  It was indeed a meaningful and memorable day to foster family well-being.

Mothers writing their children cards.

Usually, children will write their parents greeting cards; but here the mothers are preparing to surprise their children with words expressed from the heart.


We would like to thank the facilitators of Nalanda Dhamma School for organising this meaningful programme and everyone who participated in this ceremony.  Sadhu anumodana!

Sis. Sadhika showing her students how to write calligraphy.

Dhamma School facilitator Sis. Sadhika showing her students how to write calligraphy.

Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Chairman Bro. Ng presenting a token of appreciation to Sis. Sadhika.

Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Chairman Bro. Ng presenting a token of appreciation to Sis. Sadhika for her tireless effort in guiding the children at the Dhamma School in NEO Centre Happy Garden.  Sadhu anumodana.