Venerable Sanghasena to visit Nalanda

Venerable Sanghasena to visit Nalanda

Ven. Sanghasena is a well-known social-reformer and inspiring teacher.

Ven. Sanghasena is a well-known social-reformer and inspiring teacher from Ladakh, North India.

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host renowned social-reformer and inspiring teacher – Venerable Sanghasena Mahathera – on his upcoming journey to Malaysia.  Ven. Sanghasena, who is the Founder and President of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh, will arrive at Nalanda from India for a 2-day visit starting this Tuesday, 18 April.

While Ven. Sanghasena is residing at Nalanda Centre, we invite devotees to grab the opportunity to offer him lunch dāna at 11am on Tuesday (18 April), and breakfast dāna at 7am on Wednesday (19 April).  Lunch dāna on Wednesday will be hosted at Nalanda Book Café in Sri Petaling.

Ven. Sanghasena in a recent meeting with Bro. Tan.

Ven. Sanghasena in a recent meeting with Nalanda founder Bro. Tan in Delhi, India.

Ven. Sanghasena will be giving a talk at Nalanda Centre on “Compassion in Action” on Wednesday, 9.00pm to 10.00pm, after the weekly meditation session.  Do come to participate in these meritorious deeds and find delight in meeting a peaceful and inspiring monk.  All are welcome.