It’s Nalanda’s 14th anniversary today

It’s Nalanda’s 14th anniversary today

Nalanda founder Bro.Tan sharing Dhamma and anecdotes with members.

Nalanda founder Bro.Tan sharing Dhamma and anecdotes with members this afternoon.

Today marks the 14th anniversary of the establishment of Nalanda Buddhist Society, the 8th anniversary of Nalanda Book Café, and the 5th year of Nalanda Youth Centre.  As usual, Nalandians from near and far came together to celebrate ‘Nalanda Day’ (every 1st of May) with joy, gratitude, and gusto!

In fact, members from all four branches in Sri Serdang, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, and Sungai Petani have been ‘encamped’ at Nalanda Centre for the past 3 days for the 5th National Members Convention, which ends today.

Paying respects to our late spiritual adviser Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda.

The day started with the customary ‘Achariya Abhivādana’, paying respects to our late spiritual adviser Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda and all departed teachers.

There were plenty of funny moments that tickled everyone.

There were plenty of funny moments that tickled everyone.

Lots of laughter when great friends gather!

Lots of laughter when great friends gather!

After a few days of meeting, learning, sharing, and bonding, it was time to say ‘goodbye’ to our kalyāna-mittas – but after making a whole new lot of sweet memories and getting deeply inspired!  Thank you Nalandians for coming back to our ‘spiritual home’ in Sri Serdang.  May everyone have a safe journey back!

Nalandians from Kuala Lumpur Branch taking leave.

Nalandians from Kuala Lumpur Branch taking leave from Nalanda Centre.

Nalandians from Sungai Petani Branch taking leave from Bro Tan.

Nalandians from Sungai Petani Branch taking leave from Bro Tan.

Bidding Nalandians from far a safe journey.

Bidding Nalandians from far a safe drive home.

Bro. Tan rejoicing with the youths on the 5th anniversary of Nalanda Youth Centre today.

Later in the evening, Bro. Tan received Nalandian youths and rejoiced with them on the 5th anniversary of Nalanda Youth Centre today.