‘Buddha Day’ celebration begins

‘Buddha Day’ celebration begins

‘Buddha Day’ is celebrated over 4 days at Nalanda Centre, from 7 to 10 May 2017.

‘Buddha Day’ is celebrated over 4 days at Nalanda Centre, from 7 to 10 May 2017. All are welcome!

The celebration of Wesak begins at Nalanda Centre today with morning service at 9.00am, followed by Dhamma talks by Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama on the “Nine Attributes of the Buddha”, and Mandarin talk by Bro. Ooi Boon Keat on “佛陀的九种德行”.  This afternoon at 2.00pm, there will be a forum on “Getting to know the Buddha”, featuring Dharma Drum Malaysia Superintendent Venerable Bhikshuni Changzao, and Bro. Wong from Bodhi KL Musical Group.

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ is celebrated over 4 days here in a spiritual way, with many educational programmes such as talks, forum, discussions, an exhibition, and even a procession with creative historical drama to help people understand and appreciate Buddhist teachings. Making full effort in learning, practising, and understanding Dhamma is the highest way to honour the Buddha.  Let’s find out why He is our ultimate “Teacher and Refuge”!

Please click SCHEDULE of activities to see the list of ‘Buddha Day’ programmes at Nalanda Centre from 7 to 10 May.  We look forward to welcoming everyone to Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang this Wesak.  Namo Buddhaya!