Holiday stay-in programme

Holiday stay-in programme

70 students spent 4 days in Sri Serdang to learn Dhamma.

Nalanda Dhamma School students spent 4 days in Sri Serdang to learn Dhamma and strengthen their bonds to spiritual friends.

From 19 to 22 March, 70 Nalanda Dhamma School students from Sri Serdang and Johor Bahru Branches spent their school holidays meaningfully by participating in the Stay-in Programme.  The 4-day camp was aimed at fostering friendship among students, and to inculcate a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

Meditation, chanting and house chores were part of the daily programme.

Meditation, chanting and house chores were part of the daily programme at Nalanda.

Students presenting the results of their daily learning and discussions.

Students presenting the results of their daily learning and discussions to their friends.

At the camp, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan  taught the students the importance of gaining merits and the way to do so.  He emphasized that merits are essential for a happy and progressive life.  One can gain merits by cultivating dāna (generosity), sīla (morality) and bhāvanā (mental cultivation).  Dhamma School Director Sis. Sunanda then encouraged students to engage in a ‘30-day Challenge’ to practise these meritorious acts daily.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan giving the students teachings at every opportunity.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan giving the students teachings at every opportunity.

Apart from Dhamma discussions, group presentations and outdoor activities, students relished in the opportunity to offer daily meals to Ven. Seelananda who was residing at Nalanda Centre from 19 to 25 March.  He shared with the students that giving dāna to Sangha members is praised by the wise as it benefits both the giver and receiver.  Venerable also spoke about the virtues of supporting one’s parents, which can never be overstated.

Early in the morning, students meditate before offering food to Ven. Seelananda.

Early in the morning, students meditate before offering food to Ven. Seelananda, who happened to be staying at Nalanda Centre during their camp.

Performing meritorious deeds and learn great values every day.

Performing meritorious deeds and learn great values every day!  Sadhu.

Dedicating the merits of their wholesome deeds to Nalanda benefactors.

Dedicating merits of their wholesome deeds to Nalanda benefactors, donors, and supporters.

It was an awesome holiday stay-in for the Dhamma School students; at the conclusion of which, Bro. Tan gave invaluable advice by reminding everyone to always develop muditā (sympathetic joy).  We thank Ven. Seelananda, Bro. Tan, and Sis. Sunanda for their inspiring teachings.  We also thank Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators for frequently organizing such marvellous programmes!

Students paid respects and took leave from their teachers.

At the conclusion of the camp, students paid respects and took leave from their teachers.

Johor Bahru students bidding farewell to their Sri Serdang friends.

Johor Bahru students bidding farewell to their Sri Serdang friends!  Bon voyage.