Humble thanks for a fabulous Wesak

Humble thanks for a fabulous Wesak

Wesak evening Heritage Procession.

This year’s Wesak Heritage Procession attracted the largest ever number of participants.

Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all volunteers, donors, supporters, and devotees who joined us in the recently concluded 4-day Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ Observance from 7 to 10 May.

This year, we had the most number of educational programmes lined up ever – featuring nine different speakers with an average of two Dhamma talks every day, a forum, an exhibition, and the distribution of 12,000 Dhamma books.  Correspondingly, there was a significant increase in the number of participants in all activities, including the largest crowd at our Wesak evening Heritage Procession.

The ‘Buddha Day’ morning service.

The ‘Buddha Day’ morning service with chanting and Dhamma talks.

The afternoon Sutta Study session with Bro Tan.

A large congregation of participants attended the afternoon Sutta Study session with Bro Tan.

Though we are thankful for the great support received from the community, and the large number of participants who came, we rejoice even more in witnessing a vast improvement in the interests taken by devotees in meditation, listening to Dhamma, and sutta studies this year!

The crowd of hundreds meditating silently on Wesak evening was an inspiring sight.

The crowd of hundreds meditating silently on Wesak evening was an inspiring sight.

Knowing that more people are drawn to proper Dhamma learning and practice gives us greater satisfaction than just having huge crowds.  It clearly shows that our Dhamma propagation and educational efforts are paying off considerably.

Once again, we record our humble appreciation to our benefactors, teachers, Dhamma speakers, members, volunteers, and devotees for your immense contributions to a fabulously inspiring Wesak celebration.  Our unity and harmony in working for the welfare of the many is both a form of cultivation, as well as a result of it.  Well done everyone – Sadhu anumodana!

The hosting team posing with Venerable Bhikkhu Sudhamma (left) and Samanera Sumana.

The hosting team posing with Venerable Bhikkhu Sudhamma (left) and Samanera Sumana.

Nalandian upasikā working together for the many!

Nalandian upasikā team working together for the welfare of many!

The traffic marshalling team ensured smooth coming and going.

The traffic marshals ensured the smooth coming and going from Nalanda Centre.

Bro. Tan and Nalandians officers posing with the drum ensemble team.

Bro. Tan and Nalandian officers posing with the drum ensemble team.