Robes Offering Ceremony

Robes Offering Ceremony

According to Buddhist tradition, the period from July to October every year is when Buddhist monastics observe the “Vassa” or ‘rains retreat’.  In ancient times, the Indian monsoon season prevented Buddhist monks and nuns from wandering.  Thus, the Buddha instructed His disciples to temporarily settle in a monastery for three months, and to apply themselves strictly to their spiritual practice.

Following the end of the rains retreat, the laity supports the Sangha community by offering them material requisites, such as robes, medicine, food and shelter.  In return, the lay supporters hope to gain merits and the accomplishment of noble aspirations.

Nalanda is organising a Robes Offering Ceremony and Sanghika Dana at Nalanda Centre on Sunday, 11 November 2012, from 9am – 12pm.  You may bring cooked vegetarian food to offer to the Sangha.  All are welcome.