Nalanda Institute’s 10th Anniversary

Nalanda Institute’s 10th Anniversary

1 July 2017 marks the 10th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  Since its inception in 2007, the Institute has successfully organized many Dhamma courses and programmes, benefitting nearly 12,000 participants throughout Malaysia.  We would like to pay tribute to everyone who has played a role to guide and shape our path in the past decade.  We have grown tremendously, thanks to your support in many ways.

We share the merits accrued through organising Dhamma-educational programmes, retreats, and pilgrimage with all our officers, benefactors, supporters, and volunteers.  May all of us rejoice therein, and be blessed with the right conditions for the attainment of Wisdom and Liberation.

We invite you to watch this special video produced by Ajita Lim to commemorate and felicitate the 10th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia, today.  Thank you, and sukhihontu.