International Buddhist Research Seminar

International Buddhist Research Seminar

The Rector of MCU with international participants of the Research Seminar.

The Rector of Mahachulalongkorn University with international participants of the seminar.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan was recently invited to participate in the 8th International Buddhist Research Seminar organised by Mahachulalongkorn University, and hosted at the Buddhadasa Indapañño Archives in Bangkok.  The seminar was held in honour of the 111th birth anniversary of the late Bhikkhu Buddhadasa.

After 3 days in Bangkok, Bro. Tan proceeded to Surat Thani in southern Thailand, where he spent a few nights at Suan Mokkh, the monastery established by Ajahn Buddhadasa in the 1930s.  During Buddhadasa’s lifetime, Suan Mokkh was a hive of Dhamma activities with many local and foreign monks attracted there to learn and practise with him.

Bro. Tan sharing the Dhamma at Suan Mokkh Nanachat.

Bro. Tan sharing the Dhamma at Suan Mokkh Nanachat in Chaiya.

While staying there, Bro. Tan was invited to share the Dhamma at Suan Mokkh Nanachat to Thai and foreigners participating in meditation retreat.  The modest facilities and pristine environment there were truly conducive for the teaching and experiencing of Dhamma. Sadhu anumodana.

The sylvan surroundings of Suan Mokkh.

The sylvan surroundings of Suan Mokkh is truly conducive for meditation and reflection.