Dhamma-Living Camp for youths

Dhamma-Living Camp for youths

We look forward to welcoming dynamic Buddhist youths to join our learning camp.

We look forward to welcoming dynamic Buddhist youths to join our learning camp!  Register today.

Calling all Buddhist Youths!  Join us for an illuminating journey of self-discovery at the Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults where we explore the timeless beauty of insightful Dhamma, accompanied by 200 other like-minded friends.

The camp is open to young adults between 18 and 29 years old.  The cost per participant for this 4-day camp is RM 160, inclusive of accommodation, meals, and learning materials.  Any additional donation or sponsorship towards the continuation of this programme is much appreciated.


On-line registration is open at REGISTER HERE.


The closing date for registration is Thursday, 24 August, or when all the 200 places are subscribed.  For your information, there are only 87 places left as of today; 113 places have been taken up.

Contact us through e-mail at info@nalanda.org.my, or call 03-8938-1500 for more information.  We look forward to your participation in the camp!