Thank you, Dhamma teachers

Thank you, Dhamma teachers

Participants in upbeat and jubilant mood at the conclusion of the camp earlier this afternoon.

Nalanda Buddhist Society, the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM), and the Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School (BISDS) – joint organisers of the inaugural National Camp for Dhamma teachers – would like to thank all participants for making this programme a great success!

Ven. Siridhamma, Principal of BISDS; EXCO Members of TBCM, Bro. Tan, and Sis. Paruadi listening to speeches at the opening of the National Camp on 21 September.

Teachers enjoying great camaraderie while doing group discussions and assignments.

It felt great seeing teachers from across the country blending so seemlessly at the camp as if they were old friends!

Throughout the 4-day camp from 21 to 24 September, teachers gathered to discuss how to share the Buddha’s teachings in a systematic, engaging, and effective manner.  There were inspiring talks, tranquil meditation sessions, and joyful fellowship activities which connected the hearts of 150 Dhamma school teachers from all over Malaysia.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan receiving a traditional token of appreciation – lamp and flowers – for his contribution to the camp.

Chairperson of the Organising Committee Sis. Paruadi being acknowledged by the participants for her excellent efforts.

Thank you teachers for attending this heart-warming camp which offers us all a sense of great hope for the Buddha-Sasana!  Have a safe journey home to your respective states.  Until we meet again, take good care.

Dhamma teachers offering rice at the end of the camp.

There was much rejoicing and appreciation for the teaching and learning at the insightful camp.