Forum on development of Malaysian Buddhism

Forum on development of Malaysian Buddhism

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will be representing the Theravāda community at the forum tomorrow.

The Malaysia Buddhist Kulapati Association (MBKA), a federation of local Buddhist societies, is organising a forum in Seremban on 15 October to review the historical development of Buddhism in Malaysia, and to discuss its future progress.  The gathering is held to celebrate the 60th year of our nation’s independence.

Representatives of the three Buddhist traditions are invited to share their perspectives on Malaysian Buddhism at the forum.  Venerable Kai Ti (开谛法师) will speak on Mahāyana (Chinese) Buddhism; Bro. Sherab Wong will talk about Vajrayana Buddhism; while Theravāda Buddhism will be represented by Nalanda founder, Bro Tan.  Sadhu anumodana!