Launching of new Mettārama Centre

Launching of new Mettārama Centre

Bro.Tan will be attending the officiating ceremony of Mettārama’s new building on 20 October.

Nalanda representatives will be traveling to Kota Bharu this Friday, 20 October to celebrate the opening ceremony of the new Mettārama Meditation Centre.  Ten members – five from Serdang and the rest from Kedah – will join devotees in Kelantan to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

Nalanda founder Bro.Tan will deliver a Dhamma talk that day at 3.00pm, followed by another talk by Venerable (Luang Por) Dhammavuddho Mahathera at 8.00pm.  In early June, Bro. Tan had visited Mettārama to formally present the ‘Buddharupam’ to the Society when its new centre was first completed.  80 Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and students also joined the special visit back then.

Bro.Tan visited the centre in June 2017 together with 80 Dhamma School facilitators and students.

Persatuan Meditasi Mettārama was established 20 years ago to serve the English-speaking Theravāda community in Kota Bharu.  Over the years, it has hosted many distinguished venerable monks and lay teachers at its town-centre premises.

Nalanda Buddhist Society congratulates our sister organisation in successfully expanding to their new three-storey building which will offer bigger space and better facilities to the local community to learn Dhamma.  Sadhu anumodana!

Sis. Lisa Yap (left) presenting Nalanda’s contribution to Mettārama President Sis. Visakhā Lee during our visit to Kelantan back in June.