Help build our Dhamma School

Help build our Dhamma School

Please help us build this Dhamma-learning facility for the training of future community leaders!

Nalanda Dhamma School was established in 2005 to provide holistic Buddhist education to teenagers aged 13 to 18.  Over the past 13 years, the School has produced many outstanding young Buddhist leaders and activists who are contributing energetically to the Buddha-Sasana today.

In view of increasing number of student enrolment, Nalanda Dhamma School is in need of a larger premise to house 120 students.  Thus, we had embarked upon the construction of ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ located in Sri Serdang.  Work started in September 2017; the building is expected to be completed in August 2018, and become fully operational by December 2018.

Construction of the School is progressing well on schedule. [ 12 January 2018. ]

Please help us build this Dhamma-learning facility for the benefit of many generations of future community leaders.  The school’s build-up area is 4,500 square feet.  You can help sponsor its construction cost at RM100 per square foot.

As of 14 January, 861 sq. ft. of the building have been sponsored; that leaves 3,639 sq. ft. in need of sponsorship.


12 January 2018 : Concreting of 2nd floor slab (photograph above) and staircase (below).


Contribution can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or  via bank transfer to :

Nalanda Buddhist Society|  Maybank account number : 5121-4702-3622


Thank you very much for your good wishes and kind support!  Anumodana.