Progress of ‘KSDC’ ahead of schedule

Progress of ‘KSDC’ ahead of schedule

Help us build this Dhamma-learning facility to train future Buddhist leaders and teachers.

Construction of the proposed ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang is making good progress; work is estimated to be 61% completed – three weeks ahead of original schedule.  Wall plastering is on-going externally and internally, as with plumbing and electrical wiring.

Brickwork in progress on the upper floors of the building.

Bricking up the perimeter fencing wall.

‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ is being built to cater for the expansion Nalanda Dhamma School, which has seen growing enrolment over the years.  It is expected to be operational by 31 August 2018, and officially launched later this year.  The Centre is named after Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser – Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero – whose birth centenary we just celebrated days ago on 18 March.

Please help us build this Dhamma-learning facility to train future generations of Buddhist leaders and teachers.  Contribution can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to

“Nalanda Buddhist Society”

Maybank account number : 5121-4702-3622.


Thank you very much for your kind support!  Sadhu anumodana.

Bro.Tan and members of the Building team having a regular site visit on Friday, 23 March.

Electrical wiring work in progress on Level 2.