Workshop sets forward direction

Workshop sets forward direction

Chairman of Nalanda Education Team Achariya S. Vijaya (standing) opening the annual education workshop at Nalanda Centre.

The 3rd Annual Nalanda Education Workshop (N.E.W.) was conducted on 20 January 2018 to re-align our programmes and activities to fit Nalanda’s education philosophy.  Nalandian education officers from all over the country convened for this important training which provided deeper insights into the importance of integrating Dhamma knowledge (‘vijja’), practice (‘carana’), values, and culture into our approach to Buddhist education.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan encouraged Nalandians to put effort into growing stronger and deeper roots in the Dhamma as the Society enters its most productive phase.  He also emphasised that the Dhamma which we learn “should not swell our heads, but should instead swell our hearts”.

Bro. Tan gave a few lectures which provided clarity and deeper insights into Buddhist education.

Swelling of our heads means we become conceited (by thinking that we are so knowledgeable).  Swelling of our hearts means we become grateful, humble, caring, and kind.  Those latter qualities show our rootedness in the Dhamma.  They are essential qualities to nurture as we are the facilitators of change and transformation.

Nalandian officers engaged in lively discussions at the one-day workshop.

Apart from the insightful sessions conducted by Bro. Tan, the whole-day interactive workshop also included a drama presentation where officers expressed what they had learnt through lively sketches.  There was also a discussion to evaluate the effectiveness of our programmes, led by Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye.

Bro. Tan Siang Chye led discussions on evaluating the effectiveness of our education programmes.

It was truly a fruitful workshop as officers gained a deeper understanding of Nalanda’s education philosophy, and strengthened their motivation to propagate the Buddha’s teachings.  We wish all our educators a delightful and successful work ahead!

Bro. Tan concluding the workshop by thanking all education officers for their hard work out of love for Buddha-Sasana.  Sadhu anumodana!