Support the development of Buddhism in Malaysia

Support the development of Buddhism in Malaysia

The inaugural building is under construction, and expected to be completed in December 2018.

Thinking of supporting a worthy and impactful project this Wesak?  Consider donating towards Wisdom Park where we are building facilities to train future community leaders and lay Dhamma teachers.  Indeed, the growth and success of Malaysian Buddhism depends very much on these two essentials – the availability of good leaders and effective teachers.

The first building at Wisdom Park is currently under construction; it incorporates a Dhamma Hall, guest accommodation, kitchen, and ample space for educational activities.  The 13,400 square feet facility is expected to be completed and ready for use in December 2018.


Sponsorship of pillars

We invite you to sponsor the 37 pillars on the ground floor of the building.  Sponsorship costs of the pillars are as follows:

9 main pillars at RM 3,000 each; and

28 other pillars at RM 2,000 each.


Meaning of 37 pillars

The 37 pillars represent “37 factors leading to Enlightenment” – an important aspect of Buddhist teaching.  The 37 pillars also comprise 9 main pillars (representing the nine qualities of the Buddha), and 28 other pillars (representing 28 Buddhas since antiquity).


View of the building under construction, surrounded by lush greenery.

Your support is crucial for the success of this noble project

Please donate towards this vital facility to train future generations of Buddhist leaders and teachers.  Contributions can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to:

“Nalanda Buddhist Society”

Maybank account number : 5121-4702-3622


For more information, kindly visit Wisdom Park website at

Your support towards the Wisdom Park project will go a long way in the development of Buddhism in Malaysia.  Thank you very much!