Project on schedule for completion

Project on schedule for completion

The new ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ (left) is located opposite Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.

Construction of ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ continues to progress smoothly with 82% of work completed.  Work is intensifying on the exterior façade with the installation of metal louvre-screen.  The new Centre is schedule to be operational by August, and will be officially opened later this year, in conjunction with the birth centenary of Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser – Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.

Workers installing metal louvres on the Centre’s front façade.

Please help us build this Dhamma-learning facility to train future generations of Buddhist leaders and teachers.  Currently, its building fund is still in need of RM142,000.  Contributions can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to:

Nalanda Buddhist Society” |  Maybank account number :  5121-4702-3622


Thank you very much for your kind support!  Sadhu anumodana.


Nalanda founder Bro. Tan having a site meeting with consultants on 13 June 2018.