‘Sangha Day’ robe & requisite offering

‘Sangha Day’ robe & requisite offering

We invite you to participate in our annual ‘Sangha Day’ observance at Nalanda this November.

‘Sangha Day’ is celebrated annually at Nalanda to honour the virtues and contributions of the Maha Sangha (monastic order) in preserving and propagating the Buddha’s teaching.  This is an occasion to express our gratitude to monks and nuns who strive diligently to bring happiness and peace to the world.

In our upcoming ‘Sangha Day’ observance, we invite you to offer robes, food, medicine, and other requisites to the Maha Sangha.  You may also offer lunch dāna to the Sangha members, and thereafter dedicate merits to your family members and loved ones.

The meaningful programme will be held at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang on 25 November, and at NEO Centre Happy Garden, Kuala Lumpur on 18 November.  It commences at 9.00am with meditation, chanting, and Dhamma talks for establishing the right frame of mind and proper understanding of the significance of supporting the Sangha.

If you wish to make robe and/or requisite offerings on those dates, please contact Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500, or email to <info@nalanda.org.my> to register your participation.  All are welcome!