Wisdom Park exhibition opened

Wisdom Park exhibition opened

Members of Wisdom Park Development Committee visiting the exhibition on 4 November.

On Sunday 4 November, a special exhibition on Wisdom Park was launched at Nalanda Centre. The vibrant exhibits and video clips show the journey from the conceptualisation to early construction of Wisdom Park.  We are grateful to the Wisdom Park Development Committee for leading the realisation of this noble project, and to our benefactors and donors for their fervent support.

Nalanda founder Bro.Tan speaking at the launching of the special exhibition.

Nalanda President and guests at the ceremonial unveiling of the exhibition.

Since the launch, more than 300 people have visited the exhibition, including our friends from Singapore Firefly Mission, ‘Friends of Wisdom Park Singapore Chapter’, Seremban Sudhamma Buddhist Society, Nalanda members and devotees.  Visitors were generally enthused by this project’s mission – to develop competent and inspiring teachers and leaders so that more people will learn Dhamma to achieve well-being, joy and inner peace.

Bro. Tan and Wisdom Park Development Committee members having a close look at the exhibits.

Nalanda Board Member Bro. Vincent Lee explaining the project to youths.

We invite you and your loved ones to visit the Wisdom Park Exhibition which is open every Saturday and Sunday, from 10am to 6pm, to gain a deeper understanding of this first-of-its-kind project in Malaysia.  Let us come together as a Buddhist community to carry out this project for the development of Buddha-Sāsana in Malaysia.  All are welcome!