Plant trees to celebrate ‘Earth Day’

Plant trees to celebrate ‘Earth Day’

We would like to invite you to sponsor trees for planting in Wisdom Park to celebrate ‘Earth Day’.

On 13 April 2019, Nalanda Buddhist Society will be celebrating ‘Earth Day’ by planting more trees at Wisdom Park.  Nicknamed the “Green Warriors of Wisdom Park”, groups of volunteers have been planting local forest trees there almost every weekend since 12 months ago.  As of 31 March 2019, 402 trees and hundreds of shrubs have been planted, making the campus grounds truly pleasant as well as rehabilitating its environmental vitality.

We would like to invite you to sponsor trees for planting in Wisdom Park to help the restoration of its ecology.  We envisage that in future, the campus will become a green, natural sanctuary of learning where many beings can rejuvenate their minds and spirits – and you can play a big part in its creation.

Sponsor RM120 per tree to be planted in Wisdom Park in your honour.  Donations can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to:

“Nalanda Buddhist Society”
Maybank account number : 5121-4702-3622

[ Please state purpose: “Sponsor tree planting”.]


Your support will greatly impact the establishment of a holistic ecosystem there.  Thank you!