Peaceful meditation retreat

Peaceful meditation retreat

Daily talks and interviews helped meditators understand the practice.

On Wednesday 19 June, twenty-five meditators checked in at K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to attend a meditation retreat conducted by Venerable Gavesi.  After receiving clear instructions from Venerable on how to start, participants commenced their practice, alternating between sitting and walking meditation to hone their mindfulness for the next 5 days.

During the daily interviews with Ven. Gavesi,  he gave advices as well as encouragement to help participants overcome pains and difficulties experienced.  In the daily evening talks, he provided further instructions and cautionary advice to dispel any misconceptions or confusion.

Meditators strived to follow Venerable’s instructions during the retreat.

The retreat benefitted the participants and also devotees who joined the daily talks.

We thank Ven. Gavesi for conducting the retreat for beginners to start this wholesome practice with proper understanding.  May the meditators continue diligently on their path, and also heed Venerable’s advice to plan for their next retreat to further progress in meditation. Sadhu!