Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults is back!

Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults is back!

Come and discover your blessings in life and true potential for happiness and success!

Our lives are surrounded by many conveniences and material wealth, yet many still suffer from stress and dissatisfaction more than ever.  By discovering the myriad blessings in life, we can live up to our true potential for happiness and success.

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising the 4th instalment of the Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults themed ‘Discover the Blessings in Life’ from 6 to 9 September 2019.  This uplifting and potentially life-changing camp is tailored for college students and young working adults between 18 and 30 years old.  The 4-day, 3-night camp will be held in Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Among the camp highlights are inspiring talks, tranquil meditation sessions, and joyful fellowship activities.  The learning sessions will be conducted in English.

The cost per participant for this camp is RM100, inclusive of accommodation, meals and learning materials.  Places are limited, so don’t wait any longer.  Sign up now at https://bit.ly/2ZG7fk2.  For further enquiries, please contact:

Chan Zhen Shun – 019 617 6328
Lim Ajit – 012 975 5539

We look forward to your active participation.