Family Fun Fair Community Outreach

Family Fun Fair Community Outreach

On 6 July, Nalandians presented food and provisions to ‘Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih’ in Kajang.

For the past two weekends, Nalandians visited charitable homes to deliver food and supplies to the children and residents of ‘Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih’ and ‘Persatuan Kebajikan Amal Da-Ai Malaysia’. As part of Nalanda Family Fun Fair’s objectives towards community-service, we reach out to charitable homes every year and present necessary provisions to support their good work in caring for those in need.

Devotees and supporters who gathered their resources and purchased coupons to be offered to charitable homes enabled items such as towels, shampoo, sauces, biscuits and canned foods to be presented to the homes. Apart from alleviating their operating costs, Nalandians also spent time to engage with the children and caregivers, who were thankful for the supplies.

‘Care Bags’ given to the children, each contain a towel, stationery set, school socks and snacks.

A special ‘Care Bag’ counter will be set up by Nalanda Youth Centre at this year’s Family Fun Fair to encourage the public to purchase and offer goods to charity homes. You may sponsor a ‘Care bag’ at RM20 per bag or buy suitable items at the Fair, and leave them at the special counter. Nalanda volunteers will help to send your gifts over to senior citizens’ homes and orphanages around the Klang Valley.

On 13 July, Nalandians visited ‘Da-Ai Malaysia’, a home for special needs children and adults.

Dhamma School students and volunteers joined in the colouring activity at ‘Da-Ai’.

We thank all supporters of Family Fun Fair for sponsoring provisions to charitable homes.

We look forward to everyone’s participation in Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2019 on Sunday, 28 July, from 9am to 4pm. Come with your family and friends for a fun day out while doing charity! All are welcome.