5 days to Family Fun Fair

5 days to Family Fun Fair

We invite you to join us for a fun day out while supporting a noble cause.

The countdown has begun – Nalanda Family Fun Fair is just 5 days away!  Proceeds from this much anticipated Fun Fair will support the construction of Wisdom Park, an educational facility to train competent Dhamma teachers and leaders, and to expand the operations of Nalanda Institute, Dhamma School, and Free School.

This year, we have over 170 stalls with a wide variety of offerings including food & drinks, vegetables, fruits, plants, daily use items, children’s clothing, arts & crafts as well as educational games.  It’s time to invite your friends and family along for a fun outing, while supporting the noble cause of holistic education.

Watch out for more informative snippets on our website and Facebook page as the countdown continues.  See you this Sunday at Sri Serdang!