Thank you for a blessed ‘Buddha Day’

Thank you for a blessed ‘Buddha Day’

Namo Buddhaya!  We would like to express our thanks to everyone for joining us in observing Buddha Day B.E. 2565 together.  Even though we could not gather physically due to the Covid-19 lockdown, we were inspired by the heightened spirit of all family, friends and devotees who joined us online to pay tribute to the Buddha.

We express our gratitude to the organising team who had initially prepared for a physical celebration, but was later nimble in shifting their focus to expand our reach online with the creation of Facebook LIVE productions, videos, articles, testimonies and a virtual exhibition.  We hope that their initiatives and hardwork have helped you understand this year’s theme of “Moving Forward with Courage and Hope”, and strengthen our resolve in facing life’s challenges.

Nalanda Buddhist Society extends our deep appreciation to Venerable Sri Saranankara Māha Thera, all Dhamma speakers, the Buddha Day organising team, the technical support team, and everyone involved for your support.  May we strengthen our values of courage and hope rooted in Dhamma, so that we become more resilient and focussed on our lofty but noble goals.

We can continue our learning and reflection with NEW Dhamma content, stories and chantings on our Wesak website.  Do visit  Thank you for celebrating Buddha Day with us!  We wish you good health, peace and wisdom in the year ahead.