At the dawn of Enlightenment

At the dawn of Enlightenment

After six years of unequalled ascetism, the Bodhisatta Gotama realised that Enlightenment could not be gained through extreme means.  Having nourished the body sparingly, the Buddha-to-be took a seat under the large Pipal tree in Uruvela and was determined not to rise until He had attained the unshakable peace of Nibbāna.

Today marks the anniversary of that fateful night, the eve of Vesakhā full-moon, when the Bodhisatta attained Perfect Enlightenment and became a Samma Saṃbuddha, over 2,600 years ago.  He spent the rest of his life teaching what he had discovered and fulfilling His noble aspiration of countless lifetimes, to help others overcome the unsatisfactory nature of life. 

Let us honour the Buddha by learning, practising and reflecting on Dhamma on this auspicious occasion.  We warmly invite you to join us at Nalanda Centre for the Buddha Day Eve service tonight at 8.00pm and the Buddha Day Morning Service tomorrow at 9.30am.  Visit to find the full list of programmes.  All are welcome!