Dhamma teaching by Ven. Jutipañño Mahāthero

Dhamma teaching by Ven. Jutipañño Mahāthero

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Venerable Jutipañño Mahāthero this Sunday, 22 May for a Dhamma teaching.  A monk of Malaysian Chinese descent, Ven. Jutipañño was ordained at Wat Bhodhisampan, Chonburi in 1991.  He returned to Malaysia from Thailand in 2000, and established Dhamma Light Meditation Centre at Api-Api, Johor, where he currently serves as its abbot.  Since 2013, Ven. Jutipañño also serves on the Monastic Advisory Panel of the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia.

Ven. Jutipañño teaches Dhamma and conducts meditation retreats, with Mandarin as the main medium, across Malaysia and Singapore.  Pre-pandemic, he also actively conducts Samanera (novitiate) programmes at his Centre.  His Dhamma teachings are well-received amongst lay devotees who can easily relate and apply his advice to their spiritual practice and to overcome daily challenges.

We invite you to join us this Sunday 22 May, for a Dhamma teaching in Mandarin by Ven. Jutipañño at Nalanda Centre.  The morning service starts at 9.30am with meditation, offerings and chanting.  There will also be a meal-offering to Ven. Jutipañño at 11 am.  Everyone is welcome to bring along cooked food or fruits as offering. For enquiries, please contact Nalanda office at 03-8938 1500.