Hosting Ven. Jutipañño Mahāthero’s maiden visit to Nalanda

Hosting Ven. Jutipañño Mahāthero’s maiden visit to Nalanda

On Sunday 22 May, we were honoured to host Ven. Jutipañño, accompanied by Ven Gambhiro, and Ven. Koh at Nalanda Centre.  Visitors from near and far thronged the Centre, eager to meet with and learn from Ven. Jutipañño, a rare opportunity since the past years’ travel restrictions due to the pandemic.

Ven. Jutipañño taught the differences between a trained and untrained mind; the former is attached to what has passed and overthinks about what could happen in the future.  A trained mind lives in the present moment, and also accepts the impermanence of life events. When we can accept that there will be both ups and downs in life and know that these will pass, we gain more peace and calm.

After the Dhamma teachings, devotees joyfully participated in the meal offering to the Sangha members.  Even as venerables were brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre and K. Sri Dhammananda Centre, devotees continued to make offerings of requisites and robes with much gratitude.  We express our deepest appreciation to Ven. Jutipañño, Ven Gambhiro and Ven. Koh for affording so many the opportunity to learn the sublime Dhamma and support the Sangha.  We wish you good health and success in your noble endeavours.

Browse through the gallery of photos below to have a glimpse of Venerables’ special visit :