Dhamma Forum on ‘Growing a Dhamma Community’

Dhamma Forum on ‘Growing a Dhamma Community’

In conjunction with ‘Dhamma Day’- the occasion when the Buddha first preached the Dhamma to His first five disciples in Sarnath, 2,600 years ago, we joyfully invite you to join us for the morning service and a Dhamma Forum on Sunday 17 July starting at 9 am.

This special forum, organised by Nalanda Institute, explores the topic of ‘Growing a Dhamma Community’ which is pertinent especially in today’s post-pandemic environment. It features respected speakers Venerable Dr. Dhammapala, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, Associate Prof. Tan Kim See and Sis. Buddhinī Tan.

Let us come together to learn and discuss effective means to enhance unison and cohesiveness within the Buddhist community for the endurance of the Buddha-Sāsana. We also invite you to share this learning opportunity with your family and friends. All are welcome.