The ‘F.U.N.’ begins

The ‘F.U.N.’ begins

Participants supported and encouraged each other even as they formed groups in the activities.

Last Saturday 1 October, Nalanda Youth Centre was abuzz with activity as university students from around the Klang Valley gathered for their first session of Fellowship Undergraduate Network (F.U.N).

The youths got to know each other a little better and also reflected on the value of teamwork in fun and experiential activities.  They also discussed how we can break out of our own comfort zone in order to develop more skills and hone our purpose in life.

We rejoice in the beginnings of bonds of spiritual friendship and look forward to welcoming the students back next Saturday with more participants joining in for the second session.  Sukhihontu.

F.U.N. start with taking refuge in the Three Jewels, undertaking the Five Precepts. After every session, participants would also dedicate merits to all beings.

The ice-breaking session enabled participants to get to know each other a bit better.

Participants shared what they know about famous Buddhist icons and images.

This activity enhanced teamwork as each participant could use only 1 hand to build a structure.

Everyone excitedly raised their hands to indicate completion of their structure.

Bro. Disheng shared his own experience when he broke out of his comfort zone, and how he benefitted from it.