“Why Procrastinate?”

“Why Procrastinate?”

Book Review

Book title : Why Procrastinate?
A Teenager’s Guide to Overcoming Procrastination
Author : Teo Aik Cher
ISBN : 978-983-3317-88-2
Topic : Self-help (Motivation & Self-improvement)
Reviewer : Bro. Ooi Choong Li
Facilitator of Nalanda Dharma School

For many people, procrastination is part of everyday life, and many people feel guilty and powerless to do anything about it. However, this feeling may diminish after reading the book “Why Procrastinate?”.

Teo Aik Cher gives us the timely remedies that hit the core of procrastination. The author reveals the 13 common causes of procrastination, for teenagers (particularly), and provides valuable suggestions to tackle each of the causes.  As different people have their own temperament, this book “Why Procrastinate?” fulfilled the needs of any individual reader who reads it.

The author beautifully highlighted the causes and the remedies simultaneously by using the word “Procrastination” as an acronym. Personally, I learned more about myself when I relate the ideas introduced by the author with what I have encountered in every day’s life. The methods and strategies offered are not grit-our-teeth approach but they are empowering and rewarding if we follow through.

Overall, the author makes it an easy and simple way to understand and grasp the concepts. It is a delightful reading experience, with the cartoons illustrated by the author himself. If you have not read it yet, do not procrastinate, grab the book now!  And it is available at Nalanda Youth Library.