8 February 2023 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
We invite you to join us for a Dhamma talk by Ven. Ajahn Dhammasiha on Wednesday 8 February. The programme starts at 8pm with offerings and chanting. All are welcome.
Introducion of Ven. Ajahn Dhammasiha : Ajahn was ordained in Sri Lanka in 1995 with Most Ven Pandita K Sri Jinavarisa. For 3 years he trained at Nissarana Vana, Meetisigala, a forest monastery dedicated to solitary practice of meditation and meticulous observance of the Theravada Vinaya. In 1998, he went to Australia and trained at Bodhiyana Monastery and Vimokkharam Forest Hermitage in Melbourne. Ajahn Dhammasiha arrived in Brisbane in 2007 at the invitation of the Brisabane Buddhist Vihara to help establish a forest monastery in Brisbane. He is now the abbot of Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, Brisbane, Australia.