Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Ajahn Pavaro for a Dhamma talk on Sunday 12 March. We invite you to join the programme which starts at 9am with meditation and chanting. We also invite you to join the offering of lunch dāna to Ajahn; you may bring cooked vegetarian food & fruits to offer. All are welcome!
After retiring from an academic career, beginning in 2001, Ajahn Pavaro’s early formative monastic training took place with Ajahn Sona at Sitavana Forest Monastery. He spent his 7th year as a Bhikkhu with his preceptor, Luang Por Pasanno, and the Sangha at Abhayagiri. In 2010 he moved to Thailand and spent the majority of the next 9 years with Ajahn Achalo at Anandagiri Monastery in Petchabun. In June 2020 he was welcomed to Tisarana Monastery in Ontario, Canada, where he now resides.