Buddha Jayanti Exhibition

Buddha Jayanti Exhibition

The ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition is one of the highlights of Nalanda’s Wesak Observance.  From handcrafted exhibits to photographs, messages of the Dhamma are illustrated through visual presentations to stimulate reflection from the viewer’s perspective.

The theme for this year’s exhibition is “Living a Meaningful Life”.  Exhibits on display will showcase the richness and beauty of Buddha’s teachings, and the inspiring stories of individuals who lead meaningful lives.  Through this exhibition, the importance of Dhamma propagation and education is also highlighted.

The ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition will be held from Thursday, 4 May to Sunday, 7 May; 10am – 4pm; at the Pustaka in Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  We look forward to welcoming you on this educational journey at Nalanda.  All are welcome!