Thank you for a meaningful Buddha Day Observance

Thank you for a meaningful Buddha Day Observance

We extend our deepest appreciation to members of the Sangha, Dhamma speakers, members, volunteers and devotees for your contributions in making this year’s Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda a meaningful event for all who participated.

Over 3000 people have participated in the programmes which spanned 5 days from 3 to 7 May, to honour the Buddha this Wesak.  Many feedback that they appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, and were touched by the hospitality they received.

We invite all volunteers and devotees back to Nalanda Centre on Sunday 14 May at 9am, for an appreciation session and lunch to thank you for your selfless support.  May your meritorious deeds be supporting conditions for your well-being and spiritual progress.  Thank you!