Mandarin Buddhist Studies Programme

Mandarin Buddhist Studies Programme

Another good turnout for the second session of the Buddhist Studies in Mandarin course.

Session 2 – The Life of Buddha

In His 45 years of teaching the Dhamma, the Buddha exemplified the supreme qualities of compassion, effort, determination, wisdom, courage, patience and equanimity.

On 20 January, participants of Nalanda Institute’s Buddhist Studies in Mandarin course continued their discussions on the Life of Buddha, “佛陀的生平”.  Participants were truly inspired by the sublime qualities of the Buddha – the greatest human being that ever lived – who made such a profound influence in humananising civilisation.

Sis. Sandy Lim, Head of the Buddhist & Pali Department, delivering her talk on the Life of Buddha.  She also shared her personal thoughts on the Great Teacher while she was preparing notes for the course.