Continuous Learning for Dhamma School Facilitators

Continuous Learning for Dhamma School Facilitators

During the last school holidays, Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators gathered on Sunday 4 June for a full-day session to discuss and plan for upcoming school programmes.  Led by Sis. See Hui Shien, Director of the School, the group was able to take stock of the students’ progress, and ensure that programmes for the rest of the year can further their learning and skills.

The group also learned from Sis. Lum Jin Sun in a follow-up session from their first counselling training last year, to strengthen their skills in communicating effectively with students.  They also discussed the common challenges faced and ways to handle the situations for the most optimal outcome.

We thank our Dhamma School facilitators for taking the time and making the effort to guide our children and teenagers towards more skilful and harmonious lives, in accordance to Dhamma.   Let us rejoice in their selfless deeds and wish them a fruitful year ahead.  Sadhu anumodana!